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2021-08-18 12:40:01


elizabeth dorothy

4097 calumet ave, apt#5

new york, ny 10040

career objective:

creative and enthusiastic creative graphic designer looking for the profile of an associate web designer where my skills and ability will be used for the growth of the organization.


possess excellent designing and layout skills

excellent communication and presentation skills

ability to work in a fast paced environment

extensive knowledge of current web design and technologies

ability to manage time effectively with good organizational skills

excellent knowledge of color and scale

attention to detail and ability to execute multiple tasks

ability to explore, learn and apply software and technologies to increase business prospects

possess excellent documentation and problem solving skills

technical skills:

extensive knowledge of creative tools like abode illustrator, abode dream weaver, abode photoshop and html

in-depth knowledge of action script, css and flash

familiar with javascript, html, perl, windows 95/98, macro media dream weaver, windows xp and illustrator

educational qualification:

bachelor's degree in web designing from information web centre college, university of new york in the year 1997

master's degree in web designing from university of new york in the year XX

certification course:

certification course in associate web designing from techno web designing centre,ny 19xx

work experience:

abc web designing co inc, ny

XX till date

associate web designer

responsible for generating and modifying well-designed email creative and banner advertisements

worked closely with senior designers in establishing project requirements and deliverables

handled the tasks of proposing artwork to support team-wide project communication and vision

assigned the tasks of identiifying priorities and gaps in current designs and delivering creative solutions for the same

created conceptual wire frames, high-fidelity prototypes and user flow diagrams

reviewing competitor websites and updated the information to the business units

abc software co, ny

XX to XX

web designer

created corporate portals, websites and large scale-web based applications

responsible for generating graphic and media essentials by using photoshop and flash

handled the responsibilities of designing graphics and overall layout of the company website

designed and created color scheme, graphics and images for the client's prospective website

worked with marketing professionals to guarantee highest exposure of advertisements

assigned the tasks of converting written, audio, graphic and video components to compatible formats by using software applications

personal details:

name: elizabeth dorothy

date of birth: xx/xx/19xx

marital status: single

employment status: permanent


paul lawrence

associate web designer specialist

global web and graphic design centre, ny



本文地址: /qiuzhijianli/yingwenjianli/1611416474990018.htm



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