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2022-01-21 16:15:01



When it was time for the opening ceremony, the children who were gathering in the playground suddenly found that there was a new green in the campus.


It turns out that this "new green" is just the fire officers and soldiers of the fire brigade. Every year, the school"s students are responsible for the flag raising ceremony. This year, as the first routine work of the school"s moral education at the beginning of the year, in order to let teachers and students deeply experience the solemnity and solemnity of the flag raising ceremony, feel the military"s demeanor at close range, and cultivate the patriotic consciousness of students, the school specially launched the fire officers and soldiers entering the campus activity, invited the fire officers and soldiers for students, and demonstrated for everyone Hoise a flag. Flag management, flag protection, flag raising, salute The standard and handsome actions of fire officers and soldiers excited the teachers and students. With the arrival of the fire fighters, teachers and students have a new understanding of the solemn flag raising ceremony, and also have an unforgettable patriotic education lesson for everyone.



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