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2022-01-21 17:05:01



Today, I"m going to let my mother teach me how to make milk for my sister. My mother told me to carefully pour the boiling water into the bottle first. I opened the lid of the bottle and poured the water into the bottle. As a result, there was too much water poured into the bottle. The full water was so hot that I didn"t want to soak it. My mother laughed at the back: "my sister usually only drinks 60 ml!" next, my mother poured the water out and asked me to try again. This time, I was more serious and could not make any mistakes I carefully poured out the water bit by bit, just rising to the 70 mark line. I asked my mother strangely, "how can I get to 70?" my mother replied with a smile: "you forget, there is still a little water in the bottle before pouring the water!" I couldn"t help laughing. Then, it"s time to pour the milk powder. I immediately opened the milk powder cover, put two flat scoops of milk powder into the milk bottle according to what my mother told me before. Finally, I tightened the cover, shook the milk bottle, and finally a cup of milk was ready.


My mother praised me for growing up, watching my sister drink the milk I made for her, and smiled happily.



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