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2022-01-22 16:05:01



This morning, I had breakfast early. I went to Linghai hotel with my grandma and sister to take bus No.14 to the bus terminal, and then to the South Station of sijichuncheng. I saw an elevated bridge rising up on Yingbin Road, which was not connected with each other. I think the greatest one was not the worker who drove all kinds of machines and the engineer who held the design drawings, but the worker who braved the wind and rain all day, Unconsciously, it"s time to get off the bus. After getting off the bus, we found the bus to grandma"s village. We put nine one yuan coins in it. Then I got on the bus. I saw that it was dark pink outside, but it was light red peach blossom inside. Half the way to the bus was full of green trees. It was near my hometown, and there were golden rape flowers, Peach Blossom.


When I went to my hometown, my sister and grandfather went for a walk. I saw the green spinach in the field. I saw the wheat as high as leek and the sprouts of corn. So I went home.


Today"s harvest is huge!



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