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2022-01-23 16:15:02



Today, after school, I finished my homework early. I happened to see a lot of dirty clothes in the basin. I suddenly thought that the teacher had said that we should help our parents more and do what we can. Then I shouted to let my mother teach me how to wash clothes. My mother immediately agreed happily.

在妈妈的指导下, 我先将衣服放进盆子里,接着倒上清水,轻轻地搓了搓,然后将洗过的水倒掉,在另一个盆子里放了一些水,加了适量的洗衣粉,用手搅匀,将初洗的衣服放进盆子里浸湿。妈妈特别强调,衣服的每个部位都要湿透,所以我很认真地用手把衣服全部按进水里。

Under my mother"s guidance, I first put the clothes in the basin, then pour on the water, gently rub it, then pour out the washed water, put some water in the other basin, add a proper amount of washing powder, mix it with my hands, and soak the first washed clothes in the basin. My mother stressed that every part of the clothes should be soaked, so I carefully pressed the clothes into the water with my hands.


After soaking the clothes in water for about five minutes, my mother began to wash them. My mother said to me, "the collar, cuffs and front of the clothes are dirty. I need to wash them several times more." I also used a brush to brush my collar and cuffs. Soon, I began to feel pain in my waist and arms. My mother saw that I was tired and asked me to take a rest first. I shook my arm and began to wash again. To rinse, I ran to the tap with a basin, while changing water, while cleaning, washing very seriously.


After washing the clothes, I will hang them on the hanger outside the balcony, and make the collar and the corner flat. My mother is very happy to see them. She gives me a thumbs up, even praises me for cleaning them, and says that I have grown up. Seeing my achievements, I feel happy.


Through today"s work, I have learned a truth: Although I am tired of doing housework, I can still get my mother"s praise; I can learn more. In the future, no matter what you do, you should pay attention to it so that you can do better.



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