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2022-02-02 10:45:01



A few months ago, my mother bought me a little dog named pipi, which is a lively and lovely puppy.


He is very greedy. Once my mother brought back a big bag of chicken legs. I immediately picked up a chicken leg and was about to eat it. When a dark shadow flashed, the chicken legs in my hand were gone. I was so furious that I ran all the way to the balcony and found that Pipi was eating chicken legs slowly. It saw me and deliberately moved the chicken leg to the side. I couldn"t help crying and laughing.


One thing is more interesting. I was doing my homework when Pipi jumped on the table and pointed at my homework as if it were a doctor. I took his claws away and gave him a light hit. He immediately held down his notebook and looked up at me. Well, it"s just impossible. God, help me!


One more thing is the most fun. My cousin came to my house, and when Pipi saw the stranger, he became a bull who saw the red cloth, and shouted like a madman. My cousin thought that Pipi was going to bite her and beat Pipi with her winning weapon - "soul chasing stick". Pipi was not willing to show weakness, so she used all her skills and twisted with her cousin. We watched a wonderful "dog fight" on the sofa.


Hey, you say it"s cute.



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