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2022-02-10 14:40:02



It"s so hot. It"s afternoon again. I go swimming with my father and my sister. On the way to go, my father asked me as he walked: "do you want to learn another stroke today?" I then said, "I want to learn, I want to learn." Dad said: "take a deep breath, let yourself float in the water, gently move your hands like a bird, gently move your feet, and keep your stomach straight." I learned to be like my father said, but I always wanted to sink. My father taught me again and again, and finally I could swim for a short time. I am happy to swim up, dad said: "to lift tired can be suspended, swim tired can lift, swimming style is changeable." After listening, I can swim to the other half of the wharf with two different postures. But after the swimming time, it"s time to go ashore. Tomorrow I will continue to consolidate my backstroke.



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