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2022-02-18 13:05:01



"Sand and sand - bang bang bang bang." The first time to see hail, the first time to see rain and hail, the first time to see such a beautiful scenery!


In the afternoon, after the second class, it was overcast, and I expected rain. We went to a special class, but after half a class, it rained cats and dogs. Besides, it"s very loud! Oh, it"s hail! It"s the first time I"ve seen hail since I was born! "Look, teacher, the house is flooded!" Cried one of the students. Mr. Wang hurried to where, and called, I don"t know who is calling, looking very worried.


Looking at the rain and hail, I not only saw an evil scene in my heart: this day, it"s the end of the world, hail and rain will always fall, always Until we drown the world. Don"t say it"s a meal. I can"t even go home I thought, I can"t help feeling cold. I also know that what I think must be false, but I can"t rule it out.


I told my classmates what I thought. They all said it was impossible. There is a car parked at the door. I have rich imagination. I feel that this car is to take us to dinner, so as not to let us fall down by hail. But after a while, the rain and hail stopped. Ah, now I feel so childish. How could I have such an idea?


I really like hail. A bright rainbow may appear in the day after hail



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