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2022-03-06 09:30:01



Today is Wednesday, because the science teacher asked the students to take the science experiment, everyone didn"t take it. The teacher said, "since everyone didn"t take it, let"s go out and observe the camphor tree!" So the teacher asked each of us to take a notebook and pen to observe.


We lined up and slowly went downstairs. When we got to the camphor tree, the teacher asked the students to stand on both sides in groups. On the left was the boy and on the right was the girl. The teacher measured his height to be 1.74 meters, from which he inferred that the height of the tree was 5. Four meters, two stories high. The teacher said happily, "students, look how thick the leaves of this camphor tree are!" Students are also excited to say: "teacher, you see, under the tree must be very cool." When the teacher heard it, he laughed, and we laughed.


The teacher also told us that the line in the middle of the leaves is called the vein, and the leaf stem is at the bottom of the leaves. The teacher added: "the leaves are very smooth. The nutrient of the tree is transported from the root at the bottom to the top, so that the leaves will grow... "


When I was going back to my class, I picked up a camphor leaf. Back in class, I immediately put the leaves on the book. The teacher told us that he would take us to observe the trees next week. I"m looking forward to it!


When I get home, I will make leaf specimens of locust, poplar, maple and so on. I will paste all my books with leaves. I like leaf specimens best. I go to see my camphor leaf specimens every day.



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