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2022-03-06 17:00:01



At the beginning of the new semester, the head teacher changed the positions of the students all over again. This semester, Li Hui and I became deskmates and started a new study life.


In the math class that day, the teacher taught geometry and needed a ruler. Li Hui didn"t bring it so she asked me to borrow it. She asked, "Xiaoyu, can you lend me a ruler? I forgot to buy it. " I took out the ruler and handed it to her. I said, "OK, take it." We should have helped each other at the same table.


The next day, Li Hui didn"t return the ruler to me. I think I"ll lend it to her again. During the Chinese self-study class, Li Hui asked me again: "Xiaoyu, can you lend me your correction belt for use?". I just ran out of them. " "Well, yes." I picked up my brand-new correction belt and felt a little reluctant.


The next morning, I just went to the classroom and found my correction belt was torn in the garbage can, and the brand-new shell was broken. Li Huilai said nothing, just like nothing. Just after the early reading class, Li Hui said to me, "can you lend me an English book? I"ll give it back to you this afternoon. " No way. " I said without expression.


"Why! Hum, how mean. " Li Hui changed from surprised to angry, and then ran to other students" seats to say bad things about me.


Why should I be accused? I have become a villain by lending something to others. It"s reasonable to walk all over the world. I"m not afraid of your bad words. She borrowed something and didn"t give it back to me in time. She broke it and threw it into the garbage can. She didn"t even have the basic integrity and respect. Such a person is not worth contacting at all.


Although she said bad things about me everywhere, I found that my classmates disliked her more and more. It"s no surprise to think about it, because it"s natural that it"s something in reason.



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