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一年级清明节英语作文 Qingming Festival

2022-03-09 08:00:01

一年级清明节英语作文 Qingming Festival


Clear and bright, is the day of peach blossom everywhere. The Hill Tracts of peach blossom in some tall trees seem a bit abrupt, the winter wind called the on them especially aging. The bare branches holding dry fork, somewhat sad silence. That spring is a newborn baby, I feel like that was the death of the elderly, and her newborn son, the unique combination of not only won"t let a person feel abrupt, but a different kind of aesthetic.


The grass to take out the tender green shoots, an effort to jump up, also broke his waist is not afraid of the thick mud. Everything at the fastest speed to race and time, even the summer wind blowing against the wall will move to the lazy ivy climbed the wall, a long purple gemmule. Spring is a race run, all life to wake up from sleep in winter, everything is new.


Spring is a beautiful girl, bring a bright color. Rhododendron stretch colorful petals, against the mountains, is a very lively. Spring girl dressed in a beautiful new clothes, with a long skirt, to the rolling hills with a layer of green; with the warm spring breeze, the icy water blowing warm; by the pitter patter of the rain, the lips parched earth from sleep wake up. Just because the spring tender call to wake up the world, open eyes, let the rain season is more blurred. Spring girl that like black butterfly eyelashes, every blink once, then sent bursts of spring breeze. The spring that disseminated with various kinds of beautiful white canvas elements on full beam in winter spring.


Warm air into the ground, NIKKO heavy shadows of flowers. Spring played soothing symphony, depicting beautiful picture scroll with ink. Qingming spring, spring beautiful panoramic view, is it not a pleasure?



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