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2022-11-29 02:05:01







My name is xxx and I am from ******. I am 1 meter 68 meters tall, with proper facial features, decent manners, and great affinity. I hope to become a flight attendant through my own efforts, work in the blue sky and white clouds, look up at the cosmic clouds and cirrus clouds, and overlook the great river of the motherland.

flight attendant has always been a silly dream of a simple girl, beautiful, romantic, with white clouds, angels on the blue sky, is my understanding of it. Maybe, I am not as beautiful as an angel, but I will take the passenger first from the heart, and the passenger is my angel. I will care about other peoples feelings, bow down, learn to listen, learn to communicate, learn to serve, learn to smile, learn to enjoy the happiness that flying brings to myself and others.





My name is. At the age of 18, I am confident, free and easy, and have good communication skills. He also has hobbies such as playing basketball, climbing, running, etc. I like listening to lyrical music, memorizing lyric poems, reading novels, English, chatting, humming. Teachers say that I am a never-ending optimist.

I have been eager to soar in the blue sky since I was young, and it is my honor to be able to provide warm and thoughtful service to friends all over the world. I know that as a flight attendant, you must not only have the enthusiasm to serve others, but also have the forbearance, tolerance, and broad-mindedness. This is a glorious and sacred business that concerns the image of the country. I will care about the feelings of others, learn to communicate, learn to smile, and learn to enjoy the happiness that flying brings to myself and others.





good afternoon! I am very honored to have an opportunity to attend the interview here today. My name is Ma Tianjun. I am from Zhangye, named after "Zhang Guoyiye, to the Western Regions." This year is xx years old.

I am a person with a wide range of interests and hobbies. I love music performances. While developing my hobbies, I have not slacked off my studies. Because of my personality, I have been a study committee member for three years in high school. I have been very comfortable with my classmates in the class. I can express the students’ intentions and give instructions from teachers. It is a good class committee for students and a good teacher. assistant.

The flight attendant profession has always been my dream, I want to let my hardworking spirit work into my work, and I want my friendly personality to infect every tired person on the journey and bring warmth and happiness to others!



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