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2022-12-23 02:03:04



Dear Sirs:

Just read the daily newapers, you understand that the recruitment exercise instructors, I am confident that the conditions set out in line with the job.

I am a South Dakota State University Department of Physical Education graduate courses in addition to the formal orts education, but also to take a variety of psychology and management courses for children. In previous years during the summer vacation, I have a number of suburbs near the university where volunteers served as a playground instructor. Summer 983, he served as assistant, in charge of South Dakota, the youth movement Walton. In addition, the United States is also reonsible for the development of large尔伦City, a ecial summer program for children. In-service period,威廉詹森is my superior, he agreed to prove my work.

In addition, I have an experience, from 985 until now, I am South Dakota,洛克福特City, the city park as a recreational instructor. The main task of the Department reonsible for the development of urban parks and recreational programs, including a variety of entertainment and orts, including.

If you think I am suitable for the working conditions, benefits as early as possible to know the interview thanks letter.

Kai xxx



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