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2022-12-27 04:32:04




Today, Im going to welcome my first swim. With great excitement, I took my fathers motorcycle and came to a swimming pool.

When I get to the swimming pool, I always worry about not swimming well. I followed my father into the changing room, changed my swimming trunks, and immediately came to the pool. Wow, there are lots of people in the swimming pool, some do warm-up on the shore, some swim in the pool, some are tired and come ashore to drink water. Step by step, I moved to the side of the pool and cautiously ordered the water with my feet. Ah, its so icy. Theres a circle of water patterns in the pool. Im so scared of this pool that I dare not go into the water. Watching dad in the water like a lively fish, my courage is also big. "Its just swimming, whos afraid of whom!" I said to myself. I got up the nerve and jumped in the blink of an eye. "; I fell into the water. Ah, I yelled for help. Hold on to Dad. Dont let go. I slowly let go of my hand. The foot hit the bottom. I used to suffocate, my father said, as long as people like sleeping, they can float up. I tried it boldly. If it is true, its like a swallow. Its light. I think, since I can float, I will swim. My hands and feet are in disorder, and people are really moving forward. Dad also taught me to come from swimming. First of all, my hands should swing one by one, and my feet should swing up and down. I tried it once. Its really fast.

Im so happy. I learned to float in the water today, and freestyle (although not standard), but its good to learn this today. It will be better in the future!





This summer vacation, my mother helped me to sign up for the swimming class. Hearing the word "swimming", I happily agreed.

When we got there, we changed our swimsuits and the coach took us to warm up. After warming up, the coach walked into the water, and suddenly came a surprise. He threw the water on us, and I was confused for a moment: eh? What happened? Is that a prank? Before I could figure it out, the coach urged: "get into the water." We immediately got under the water, but the first lesson of swimming was to fetch water. The teacher asked us to lie on the slate, put our legs in the water, let us not bend our knees, and use the power of our thighs to make water splash in the water. After about a minute, our legs were exhausted, but the coach asked us to fight again.

After a short rest, the coach began to teach the next movement - hold your breath. Its OK to hold my breath. I learned it at once. Then I asked some of us to go to the other side. Lets hold our hands on the floor, let our bodies float, and then draw water. Its very simple. Im tired of fetching water. Then the teacher asked us to continue the next move, stretch our hands out, hold our breath, and use the power of fetching water to rush forward, let us swim forward. Although I didnt swim far, I could swim at last, because I studied very hard. And my cousin, the coach always said that he was fooling around, I was laughing. Under the coachs inspection, we practiced again and again, and soon after class, I felt the time passed quickly.

When I came back home to have a rest, I suddenly felt very tired, thirsty and hungry, but I didnt want to take a bath and eat, just wanted to fall asleep. In the evening, I slept soundly, but when I woke up, I was aching all over. Even so, in the afternoon, I appeared at the swimming pool on time, like playing chicken blood. Maybe thats the charm of swimming.

I secretly like it. Just a few days after learning it, I learned a little skill of swimming and tasted some of the sweetness.







My parents took me to swim in summer vacation, because it was my first time swimming, so I was very excited!

When I got to the swimming pool, I couldnt wait for the groundwater when I changed into a new swimsuit. The water was so cold! At first, I thought swimming was easy to learn, so there was no swimming circle. I almost drowned myself when I went down,

So I put on the swimming circle and learned swimming seriously.

Dad said to me: swimming to five fingers together, two hands in turn to the outside, feet to strive to swing up and down as far as possible to make their own floating. I followed my fathers advice to practice. After a long time, I was able to swim forward.

I mischievously sprinkled the water on my mothers body, but unfortunately, I also sprinkled the water on her mobile phone. At that time, my mother, who used to be smiling, suddenly frowned. Dad immediately checked and said to me, "fortunately, the mobile phone is not broken, or you will be miserable!" I vomited my tongue and said, "what a thrill!

After a while, my father saw that the sun was almost setting outside. My father said, "we should go home as soon as the sun is setting!"!

We reluctantly went home, and the short afternoon ended happily.










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