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2023-01-09 04:51:01



Scientist Ellie eleas was interested in outer space from childhood and received signals from other regions and spaces by radio. When she grew up, she became an expert in the search for life in outer space. Her desire to explore the life of the universe, especially her father who had a profound influence on her life, was much more devoted to her research. She was determined to find signs of life in outer space, with only a few people to understand, but most people thought her behavior was crazy. She and her colleagues work hard to find life in outer space. Finally, one day, Ai Luo Wei"s research made new breakthroughs. Their workstations received a strange signal sent by prime number. Ai Luo Wei immediately concluded that this is the signal for intelligent life to send out partners to the space.

The heroine Judi Forster desire to explore the universe is full of life, her father gave her a powerful force. She doesn"t care whether the research results are practical or not. She doesn"t care whether she gets enough fame or status in others" eyes. She only cares about whether anyone gives her money, so that she can go all in to catch up with the truth that she longs for. Although many people do not understand even the opposition but the main difficulties for outer space signs of life, even in order to get to the school and the universe really happy to die. Finally, she found the signal from the universe and passed the message through the wormhole. Within eighteen hours, she saw a lot of incredible things and even saw her dead father. But these are just for a moment on the earth. She can"t explain her journey of time and space with science. She can"t explain her contact with the dead father, because she can"t prove it with the known science. At this time Judi Forster"s faith is shaken, she learned to pure science. She realized there is something beyond the ability of science.

The pursuit of truth is a process of skepticism and Reflection on science itself. It is a process of challenging religion, art, human civilization and even the ultimate truth of the universe. Here, I think the pursuit of truth is the spirit of the scientist, and the pursuit of truth, the best and the beauty should be the motive force of the scientist.



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