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2023-01-10 03:58:04



The topic of my speech today is "my idea of a good teacher, before I began to speak, I want to give all the teachers bowed deeply, thank you like mother to guide us, teach us, open up the direction of life to us.

In my memory in the long river, taught my teacher has a lot of, but my idea of a good teacher is my teacher in charge - generation of teachers teach us Chinese.

She is medium height, with a brown iron roll of the fashionable hair style, in his shoulders like the surface of the waves, appear very spirit. Especially, round big eyes, like two black pearl through the light, the most magical is the mouth, she is like a treasure house of knowledge, what we want to know, it will tell us.

Talk to her sense of humor, often make us growth knowledge in the happiness. Remember once the language lesson, the teacher nicely to the classmates said: "please 1-10 students each read a computer screen display of the new words." Several students attentively in front of the screen, accurate to read the new words is displayed on the screen. Class at this time it"s our turn to read the "troublemaker", generation of teacher with his hand holding a stick pointed to the two words "erhu", a sign for "rascal" can be read. See "rascal" hand scratched his head, as if always tickle monkeys, narrowing her eyes hesitantly just read "ErHu". After he finished reading the word "erhu", the following classmates burst into laughter. Some classmates clap table, and laughing their heads off some schoolmates all laugh tears out, kept his eyes with a tissue to wipe, and classmates lug deskmate clothes, as if to say: "really ErHu rascal." After the laugh, I think: this bad, generation of teachers must be criticized the rascal. Which know, generation of teachers face - deadpan, instead, go to the front of the students, with the hand touch his head walked over and said, "erhu" and "ErHu"

What"s the difference? "The words sound just fell and the hidden hands are scrambling up. At this point," rascal "red face also put your hands up. The teacher said," here are "troublemaker", please explain to us the meaning of this two words. "" erhu" is a kind of ethnic Musical Instruments, "ErHu" means don"t do things seriously, carefully." Teacher clap rascal rascal said. "generation shoulder affectionately said:" you can"t be so careless in the future, really ErHu or later. "The teacher"s words like a dose of doping, let the students thinking becomes more active, the students in this class is better than any class, even at ordinary times don"t raise your hand classmates answered many questions.

Generation of the teacher is not only strict with us in our studies, but also for our class to write particularly strict. For homework, don"t allow us to have a wrong character on the quality, in writing, require us or written neatly. I know that the teacher is to let we form a good habit, in the exam is not a wrong character, took, clean, in order to avoid penalty points. Generation of the teacher is like this, never let each detail, always consider for us everywhere.

The flowers to thank the sun, because sunlight tending it grow; Flowers thanks to the rain, because rain moisten it grow; Goshawk thanks to the sky, because the sky let it fly; The mountains, thanks to the earth, because earth let it tall; The earth would like to thank the grass, because the grass to make it beautiful... I want to thank my teachers, teaching and educating, I met such a good teacher.








花儿要感谢阳光,因为阳光抚育它成长;鲜花要感谢雨露,因为雨露滋润它成长;苍鹰要感谢长空,因为长空让它飞翔;高山要感谢大地,因为大地让它高耸;大地要感谢小草,因为小草让它美丽…… 我要感谢我的老师,既教书又育人,我为自己遇上这么一个好老师而高兴。



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