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2023-01-14 05:45:02



Should We Only Reward the Best Students?

Rewarding top students is normally considered as an effective approach to recognize their achievements and inspire other students. But some people argue that although the best students deserve to be rewarded, it is more important to encourage those who show remarkable improvement since they have paid unremitting effort in their study.

My stand is that prizes should also be awarded to students who make conspicuous progress in their academic study. Firstly, education is based on the belief that it will make people more excellent, and encouraging those most improved students will be one of the best ways to fulfill that goal. Moreover, students differ greatly in their talents and living environment. Students from poverty-stricken families may not prevail over the best ones in study, but that doesn’t mean they can’t succeed in their future career. Therefore, spiritual or economic encouragement is likely to stimulate them to tackle seemingly impossible tasks. In addition, to reward the most improved students can not only boost their confidence but also enhance students’ competitive spirit.

In sum, only rendering outstanding students rewards may dampen the others’ enthusiasm, so to encourage both types of students will be a feasible way to establish aspiring learning atmosphere.



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