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my family 英语作文

2023-01-29 07:09:02

my family 英语作文精选


my family 英语作文_第1篇:

I have a happy family, there lived three, they are father, mother and me.

My mother ingenuity, smart. Once, we draw the teacher asked us to do a picture book, but I don't know what to do cover, went to ask a mother, and mother with qualification, needles and beads, taught me to nail bead on the card, she left seam right seam, cover a incomparable beauty show in front of us. At the same time I also learn how to use the method of making the nail bead ornament cover, play a prominent role in some later handmade! Mother is a very diligent person, most of the housework is her to do, for a long time in the home clean, hygiene, uncle aunt come to my house to admiration. Don't forget, she is still pretty busy work well.

My father is a big stomach king ". Dad eat capacity can be much more special, four bowls of soup can eat three bowls of rice, and he eat speed also very surprising, when he had finished eating, I eat a bowl of rice. My father sometimes a smile, don't eat so much fat? He said, his movement, more professional habit, eat more quickly. He is very strong, together with him, I can be safe!

And my little brat but a "mathematical genius", I love math, think sudoku logical game fun, in every math competition can enter the final, also can obtain good rank; I am still a little angel "composition", there are a number of articles published in newspapers and magazines, such as "the counselor", small and medium-sized student newspaper, the boys and girls... . And I was a "versatile", I like singing, painting, dancing, etc., also really a little "beloved".

Our home is sweet happiness, is the world of joy, is part of the garden is full of love.






my family 英语作文_第2篇:

I have a home, the home is a lovely home, this home my happy home. We all three live in this lovely home. Speaking of this family and lovely, is really very cute, especially in my bedroom.

My bedroom on the desk, there is a lovely bear, I hugged it whenever you have a second to hold to, because it hair makes me feel very comfortable. I also have many different shapes of the bed, hold pillow, I sleep some hold, some pillow, some with legs holding up, but comfortable.

Have words said: "the home is warm harbour, the home is the safest refuge." It does. One evening, I play at home, suddenly, a flash of lightning ripped the half sky, deafening thunder rang spouted the rain is bigger and bigger, I frighten helpless, shaking. At this moment, mom came along, touch my forehead, gently said: "don't be afraid, we are in the home, very safe." Since then, I as long as it is in the home, no longer afraid of the thunder and lightning.

Not only have to love my mother at home, and take care of my father. Remember that time, I in the "agee bookstore" greedy "reads", originally were promised mother mother go to school before going to work, go home at five from 3 PM to see, but I see too ecstasy, forget it is time to go home, even from 3 points have been seen at 7 o 'clock. When I wake up from the book, it has been all black. I didn't bring mobile phone again, there's no way to contact with mom and dad, how to do? At a loss as I stood in front of the bookstore, dad find I find here from home, he said: take me home. "later can not, your mother called you no one answers the phone, and let your mother worried sick that thought something bad happened. Can not let the adults worry about later."

Actually I'm not a nerd, sometimes I love to do little things, as long as there is material, failed no matter how many times I will not be discouraged, because I am an optimistic person.

Look! This is my home, my lovely home!







【my family 英语作文精选】



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