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2023-02-01 02:27:02


梦想让人不断追求一个一个的目标,拥有梦想的人,让我们把梦想的蜡烛点燃吧!把自己照亮吧!下面就是小编收集的英语作文, 供大家参考!


Everyone has their own dreams, like the stars in the sky. Of all kinds, everybody's dream is different, some want to but a doctor, some want to be a soldier, some want to be a scientist... The appropriate an ordinary teacher of my dreams.

Teacher, this noun makes us feel very kind, another mother, just like our teacher told us how to face difficulties in life and overcome the difficulties. However, when we play in the classroom, who also have no thought of what our teacher do. Maybe the teacher corrects our homework in, maybe is serious lessons. Who is worried about the teacher's body? I think, probably not! But the teacher still do that. They would rather be a candle, burns himself, lit up the us. They would rather be a street lamp, light up the students' future. But they haven't a complaint.

I also want to do such a person, only to pay, you planned to. Teach their knowledge every bit of the students, let them on the way of learning progress. I just want to do such a person.

I know that when a teacher is not easy, so I want to study well, cherish every opportunity to learn. I believe that it can become a reality!






Teachers, the most glorious career under the sun, it is the engineer of the human soul. I adore teacher, more yearning for this career. I believe that my wish will come true.

After 20 years of my yard, shawls broken hair, wearing appropriate fitted dresses for the teachers. Then I'm not model, not star, but a good and respected teachers. I love the teacher this profession, more yearning this profession, more love my students.

I never casually criticize my students, even the naughty students make me angry, I will be patient to communicate with them, as their mentor.

As a teacher, teach the students knowledge of textbook only is not enough, should also teach them to appreciate poetry, reading masterpieces, with growth extracurricular knowledge. This can not only cultivate the students' interest in learning, and can improve the students' writing level, broaden students' horizons. Singing, dancing, play the piano... Can enrich students' extra-curricular life. I will make full use of their spare time singing and dancing with them, to how they will be truth, many students, make them everything good all-rounder.

I love my students, in the student need me, I will not hesitate to give help and support. Flowers are the most selfless know spring rain, the moon has the most understand the generosity of sunshine, the teacher's love, I can understand most, kind is love, tough is love, full of hope and caring love!

I wish forever is the messenger of spring, sprinkle hope to the world.










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