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初中My Grandfather我的爷爷英语作文

2023-02-04 06:38:02

初中My Grandfather我的爷爷英语作文范文



My grandfather is quiet, when people ask him questions, he always answer them with few words. Though my grandfather is wordless, he loves me so much. When I ask him to buy me the toys, he never hesitates, he will buy them for me. Every time when I think about it, I feel so moved, now winter holiday comes, I will go back to hometown and visit him.



There are many people in my family that is special to me.There is one particular person who has really had an impact on my life.My grandfather.

My grandfather was just like my father.Although I had my real father around me,my grandfather was the one who was always there for me.No matter what happened in my life,he was always the one who looked beyond my faults.It seemed like no matter what I done,I was always a perfect little kid to him.My grandfather was also a understanding man.He was the only one that understood me.When I was down,he was always there to listen to me.

i want to thank my grandfather for how he molded my lives,for teaching me what it means to be a man,for not walking away ,for being an example of a life well lived.


I have a nice grandfather. He is eighty years old. Although he is eighty years old, his body is still in good condition. He likes to listen to Beijing Opera. He often goes to do exercise, so many people ask him about Opera. He has a nice wife that is my grandmother. Grandfather is a good husband, and also is my good grandfather. His favorite color is red, because he thinks red stands for joyousness. I love my grandfather forever.


【初中My Grandfather我的爷爷英语作文范文】



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