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2023-05-01 07:08:03



This is the first time I of military training, military training makes me unforgettable.

Remember that in the military, I think the military training is a not only bitter and boring. Can not think of is, the military is actually a very meaningful thing. It taught us no more knowledge, so I in military training to grow a lot of.

On the morning of August 15th, we are exciting and the military training of curiosity and expectation arrived at Guan's training base. Here, we met with 7 days of our common military trainingChen Jiao tube.

In these 7 days, we know what is to obey orders, obey the command, training hard, the difficulties, Challenges self and so on.

Military training the first day we learn to pull junzi, before this, forno military training before me, that the pull army posture is a very simple thing, I think: "is not attention, affirmation is verysimple!" However, when I really feel the power of pulling the army posture, I could not help heart a shock.

Pull the army posture must stand at attention, upright, eyesstraight ahead, and then the index finger thumb affixed to thesecond quarter, both hands must be tightly buckled on his trousers, to close in seams of a trouser leg, legs must bestraight, not curved trend.

In fact, only these are nothing, it is important to keep thisposture standing for a long time, even if the itch what parts of the body or a worm like creatures fly also unable to movearound.

Pull the army posture is really very exercise person, it taught uswhat is perseverance, what is insisted, but told us troops have iron discipline, not because of their actions and affect the overall.

Here, I thought of those soldiers, they are the National Guard, it is a symbol of courage, selfless. How many holidays they had tosilently in the distant place to miss their loved ones, lonely in the night sky under the guard on duty. I can not help but have areverence for them.

After army posture, we also study the start walking and goose step. Among them, what impressed me most is the goose step.When we marched in orderly pace, listen to the foot landing neat "flap" sound, I feel the collective unity. Because only unity canmake our hearts together, can we make so neat goose. When we goose stepping through the chairman's podium, I am really excited, but I also felt as the pride of the chinese.

In addition, I also learned the female self-defense, through this study, I became a strong person from a delicate girlsmetamorphosis. When we shouted slogans to play beautifulpunch, really have the momentum, the momentum is enough to make everyone excited.

Military life in addition to the training, and the time for eating and sleeping, no military training before people may laugh: "eat and sleep to say anything?" But I have to say, in daily life here had acompletely different. Listen to the command to get up every morning, never late. Calling number before dinner, night timelights etc.. Here, everything to the militarization of the management, not the slightest careless.

Here, although conditions are difficult, but also taught us a lot: hardship on state is not to endure, but bitter as if it were malt sugar.

Although the military training only 7 days, but the 7 day is enough to make us understand the essence of life. I'll neverforget me I learned that the first military training. I believe, in the future, I will cherish the resources, strict demands on themselves, and strive to be an outstanding high school students



















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