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2023-05-03 02:31:02




On September 10, what is the holiday? Is teacher's day is a holiday for teachers!

Teachers, is an ordinary words, but, look ordinary, but in my eyes is a glorious career. She personally taught entered primary school, what all don't understand us, our church into civilization, Renaissance, the mature children. During this period, the teacher how much sweat! In the beginning, we are naughty, don't know the rules, but the teacher teach us patiently, now, we become clever sensible. To we get the fruit of wisdom, the teacher is we prepared a rich class, as we find the mistakes, and correct the mistakes, tell us the correct method, we collected numerous wisdom fruit basket.

The teacher as a hardworking gardener, night and day care for us, let us open the flower of wisdom; , the teacher like a candle, burn yourself out to light up our; The teacher is like a piece of chalk, write their own knowledge on the blackboard for us to learn; The teacher like...

Will come on September 10, here, I want to happy New Year to the language teacher zhou! I want to happy New Year to the math teacher yuan! I want to happy New Year to the science teacher cheng! I want to wish all the teacher who teaches us five (2) class a happy holiday! Finally, I want to wish all relevant primary school teachers a happy holiday! Happy every day!







September 10 is teachers' day. I think some people may think: what is the teacher's day good ah, just a regular holiday, we don't have a holiday also didn't present, it is better to have no? But I don't think so: belongs to the teacher's teacher's day holiday, our children have children's day, the teacher can't have teachers' day?

If we are flowers of the motherland, the teacher is the hard gardener. If we are those who have lost their way, so the teacher is the candle, burning their lights others; If we are brave sailors, then the teacher's wisdom navigator, guide us forward.

If there is no teacher, that will be how ancient. That there would be no cars, no traffic tools, all kinds of books, there is no elevator, no factories, without the high-tech. Only some very old appliances.








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