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2023-05-03 06:03:11




How time flies, soon to start again. The mood is excited and uneasy. Excited, I again will ascend in first grade, can come into contact with English right away. Uneasy, I worried that I can't handle. Mother said, however, where there is a will there is a way.

It's a nice day today, I put the summer vacation homework again, found that there is no complete a task, that is to grade three customized plan for yourself. So, I seriously thinking about.

Grade three, I want to contact an English more, listen to the cousin said, this is a language class, I will deal with it every day can be, I want to up to half an hour reading English every morning, after listening carefully in class, try to create more opportunities for myself to use English, believe that my English doesn't have to worry anymore. Mother said, after I learn English for a long time to buy a reread machine to me, so I can better learning. Was flattered to think of it, if I can speak fluent English how ah, after that if I have the chance to go abroad will be more convenient.

In grade three in addition to read English is good, I also want to continue to read the language of mathematics is good, there is also a very important thing is I want to go on studying painting, painting is my interest, the interest can't lost, because it can enrich my life, if learn tired, people can easily a lot of painting a picture, so tired again painstakingly again I must stick to it.

For three years, of course, I also want to more reasonable, to help parents to share some housework, let mom and dad no longer worry about my study life.

I am eager to my grade three come quickly.









The school! Vacation passed, I walked to school happily, ready for a new semester of study life.

Into the campus, I found the school both sides stood on duty of the students and teachers, they are serious for us to check whether the wearing the red scarf. Some classmates with a bright red scarf, carrying bag, skipping ran into his classroom. Many small classmate on the immature little face is permeated with a bright smile, my mood also involuntarily happy. The first naive of happiness! Walk on the right and I found the trees and flowers in the campus as if in waved to me, the blue of the sky floating on some of the pure white clouds, seems to be to us said with a smile ": children, school begins, you can want to study well!" I looked at the front, ran into the classroom.

I crossed the threshold of the classroom, I heard the students are twittering what to say. I gather together in the past, they were talking about this summer holiday went there, tell everyone what to do in summer vacation. Some classmate say ": I went to the five, the waterfall there true style, massif see my eyes all flowers!" Others said ": I have been to hangzhou, where the west lake is beautiful, like a beautiful picture". Some say ": I've been to Shanghai, there will have high Oriental pearl!" See them so proud, I also not to be outdone, swaggering said "I've been to wenzhou, where WuMa pedestrian street, everything!" As can be happy!

Suddenly the teacher said, "we send new book!" This high voice broke the teacher's tranquillity, immediately be utter silence in the classroom. All students are full of excitement from hair classmate hand results of new books, carefully looked up.

School, new semester begins, into the tense and fulfilling learning!










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