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2023-05-03 07:57:04









The panda is rare in our country to protect animals, I like it very much, every time I go to the zoo I is the first time to visit it.

The panda's body with black and white fur, chubby, very lovely, walk slow. Head of the eyes in the dark, dark, there are two black circle, two eyes outside is like wearing a pair of oversized glasses. The ear is a semicircle, nose is very small, walked, side to smell, as if in search of food. Its mouth is very big, can swallow a lot of bamboo. The size of a basketball. Limb is black, short tail, like a little round ball ` on the ass, walk a twist twist. Silly look very lovely.

The panda likes eating bamboo, once, see the breeder holding a bundle of bamboo, just is put toward the ground, two pandas came rushing to rob, even the keeper can't hold them. Another time, they don't know where to find the root bamboo to eat, see the keeper came in, hurriedly climb the tree, for fear of blame it. The breeder how call, it is like what all not to hear, sitting on the branch, the look, the look.

The panda is very cute, very bright. I think: can I have a panda, that how good ah!


Today, my mother and I want to visit chengdu panda research base, I am absolutely thrilled. Everywhere was a sea of people here.

Pandas live in true good, bamboo grow lush, each root bamboo grow firmly, green bamboo leaves, like a sea of green. A gust of wind blowing, bamboo dancing with the wind, like the welcome of our coming. The panda here, live in a home is a villa, panda, here is not the same as Hong Kong's panda, the panda were shut in the house of Hong Kong, for tourists to visit. Giant pandas here, live in the nature, every day can be free to play, is really very happy. Go after a heard the cries of people, the screams. In front of the walk to the front, the original is a darling of pandas, is lazy lying down to sleep! People hurriedly took my camera, take a picture of dirty panda, where pandas live in nature, no one to give it a bath. It's a long body, appearance is very lovely, round face, a black and white alternate with big eyes, also with a pair of small ears are small and short, belly big, round, a pair of short stub calf. The panda is the most precious animals, an angel is the friendship between China and the world. Look, on the other side of the two pandas, fighting! You kick me after a while, I chase chase you after a while, a moment made up again, lying on the ground, blowing at leisure. For a while, you hands again, to prepare for war. Stand two pandas, a by hand grasp each other's body, another kicked another joints, began to fight again, it's very cute.







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