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2023-05-04 03:08:10




My good jade the teacher of our class teacher is the teacher in charge of our class. She has a round and lovely face, small eyes and long hair is handsome and beautiful. She is a responsible and work serious teacher.

One day, we are in class, homework, I have a problem don't understand, my name is yu teacher, the teacher say: "what is it?" I said, "I won't do this item, you teach me." Then the jade teacher taught me. Mind all of a sudden, the jade hurriedly ran to the classroom to the teacher said, "your child accidentally fell down when playing, head straight bleed." But jade teacher just just surprised for a moment, then said to the school doctor: "you go to have a look at the first, I'll go to see." The school doctor ran out of the classroom. School doctor, we call the teacher to have a look at the jade, but the teacher said, "no! Can't! It's class time, I can't leave!" We can not persuade, had to don't make so much noise. Jade after class, the teacher is in a hurry to see her child.

We all know that the teacher had heart disease, jade whenever see teacher heart pain, you can see the teacher how bad it is, however, teachers are still hold in the post, continue to work. Thought of this, I can't help but want to say to the teacher: "teacher, you were laborious!" How much I want to go to the comfort of the teacher! But I don't have that courage again, so we don't let the teacher angry.

So, the teacher is selfless and great! We want to respect the teacher!

Profile: in the face of the child, the teacher always forget yourself! Respect teacher start from the intravenous drip, to write a good composition, put the word write neatly, raise your hands...








Who is the good teacher in my heart? She is the Chinese teacher of our class teacher.

Once the teacher always with a smile on her face, short hair like the waves rolled up slightly, beautiful; Two big eyes, with a pair of glasses, looks very learned. She since grade three in our class Chinese teaching job, she care about students, love of work, is a very responsible teacher.

Concentrate one time, once the teacher is to teach us, to at the end of the class, once the teacher asked everyone to take out your Chinese book, at this time, once the teacher asked: "the summer with fujian, you change the language on the workbook wrong?" "No," she answered. "Must be revised today, tomorrow I will check." The teacher said. "Oh" said summer with min. ...... Can be seen from this one thing, the teacher is very responsible, she had to let everyone wrong finish all change, can't leave a bit wrong.

Another time during the activity, a young woman accidentally fell down, once the teacher hurried to help her in the past, concern of ask "broken fell and hurt?? Be careful next time", that girl strong said: "all right"... Can be seen from this one thing, the teacher is concerned about classmate, treat students like they treat their children care.

Once the teacher, you is a good teacher in my heart forever!










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