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2023-05-04 03:29:06




My is blue dolphins back, belly is white, and a tail like a pair of scissors. It's hand and tape size, and it is about the size of the TV body is not worthy. More rubber size, his eyes are black. It is especially soft, as soon as you touch will let you fondle admiringly. I give it a name, called baby. Gave this name to it, hope it is in the eyes of others and as lovely in my eyes, and I do want others to like it.

I hold it to sleep every night now, not only is it soft, he also represents my birthday at the age of nine. That time, mother can give me anything, then bought around on the street for three days! On my birthday, my mother gave it to me, that day I hold it, the moment there is no loose on, even forget that day is my birthday.

After about half a year, I accidentally put the dolphin drew a large hole, white cotton was almost dirty, also good mother to mend it in time, but left a little scar forever.

The dolphin is not only when I am lonely and I "play", also represents a mother's love for me.


我的海豚背上是蓝色,肚子上是白色,还有一个像剪刀似的尾巴。它的手和修正带一般大小,和它那电视机大小的身体一点都不配。他的眼睛更橡皮一般大小,却黑得发亮。它特别软,你一摸就会让你爱不释手。我给它起了一个名字,叫baby。 给它起这个名字,是希望它在别人眼中和在我眼中一样可爱,希望别人和我一样喜欢它。






Hello, everyone, my name is dolphin, whale little brother. My friend has a lot of, such as sea turtles, whales and sea lions... Diving ability is very good, I jump is four or five meters away. My body is oval in shape, the skin is very smooth, my head has a pair of big round eyes, can see far away. My hobby is acting, and you might have met me in the aquarium. I will show many projects, such as: ball, diamond ring, weight lifting... These excellent performances often amused the audience laugh. I can swim, but also very fast, no matter how far, I will be with the fastest speed to finish This is me, do you understand me now?


大家好,我的名字叫海豚,鲸的小弟弟。我的朋友有很多,如:海龟、鲸、海狮……我跳水本领非常出色,一跳就是四五米远。 我的身子是椭圆形的,皮肤非常滑,我的头上长着一双圆溜溜的大眼睛,能看到好远的地方。 我的爱好是表演,你们可能在海洋馆见过我。我会表演许多项目,如:顶球、钻圈、举重……这些出色的表演经常逗得观众开怀大笑。我还会游泳,而且速度非常快,无论多远,我都会以最快的速度游向终点 这就是我,现在你们了解我了吗?




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