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2023-05-04 03:48:06




Today is October 1, 2016, the 67th anniversary of the founding of the day, I am honored to invited to the National Day ceremony as a representative of the students at public expense.

I accompanied on at 8 p.m. National leaders on the tiananmen rostrum. Today's tiananmen gate spruced up and bright five-star red flag flies, give people with dignity and pride!

Tiananmen square jollification, specially-built team and protests were lined up in changan avenue on both sides of things. The middle of the square "warmly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China" giant HengBian particularly compelling, surrounded by all kinds of flowers to outshine each other, display flowers ocean, the world of the flower.

8 30 points, when the national leaders solemnly announced the official start of the National Day ceremony. With the majestic national anthem, a giant national flag rising, we are singing the national anthem, the small red flag waving, Shouting: "long live the great People's Republic of China!" Faced with such magnificent scene, I'm excited mood is beyond words.

The parade began, specially-built officers and soldiers, with a new image of mighty ying acceptance of the national people's inspection. First is the navy a division, they arranged in triangular array, dressed in a navy uniform, with vigorous pace, walking slowly. "Blue and white sea soul service", is particularly captivating. Then the sas a division, they are wearing helmets, sas is wearing a yellow uniform and marching in tiananmen square, shows the features of the "mighty" to the people. Behind them is a teacher and a cavalry division artillery. These teams are in steps and after President ever to front the same spacing. My favorite or air flight performance, military, sports performance and stunts. Them to changing formation, low altitude flying and the minutes and correct speed accurate over the tiananmen rostrum, let me see more dazzling, lost in ecstasy. Especially by 18th fighter in spraying way show "long live the motherland" four characters, let people exclaim, wave upon wave of cries.

After the parade, the marchers holding flowers, high-spirited through tiananmen square. Tens of thousands of doves fly high over the tiananmen gate, to the whole world peace-loving people to convey the voice of China.

Watching the grand National Day ceremony, and I accompanied by international students on behalf of another party and state leaders into the zhongnanhai, truthfully report on our study and life in a foreign country, and attended the national leaders prepared a big dinner for us!











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