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2023-05-04 04:38:27




"I slowly, slowly learned that the so-called father and mother and child, simply means that you and his fate is to share the rest of my life constantly after watching his back away. You stand on this side of the path, watched him turn gradually disappeared in the path, and his shadow quietly tell you: don't have to chase."

This is lung ying-tai in her recently published book "see" in a segment. Lung ying-tai, the Asia's sharp pen, also can have the most soft and hard to say. Before that I have read her the child, you slowly, dear Andre, is spent in the deep and joy of the pen, write to the best of a mother and regrets in the child grow up a bit in the process of marvel. And "watch" is thinking about life and death of the big issues in life, when writing the father dies, arthritic mother, son away from, the friend's care, his brother's hand in hand at the same time also write disappointment, failure, fragile, and let it go, this is a life and death notes, deep, sad, beautiful.

In fact, the "see" is just the opening of the book. At the beginning the author is writing itself in the first day of the school when the children looked at him slowly step by step back in school, disappear in your own field of vision; To the children at the age of 16 at the airport to see him leave; When the child no longer stick slowly parents, are no longer willing to go hand in hand with my parents, the mother, slowly chew the lonely alone, slowly in the sight of another figure, the figure is also lonely. In tears and blur the line of sight, we all saw the shadow, is grown up when we have no intention of neglect the parents of figure. They never bother us, we always in the ten steps away slowly, to see if our security, is to make sure we are helpless when can the first appeared in front of us, is in to see us joy when they can steal the le... Yes, keep son square know parents grace. In we watched the children away from their own field of vision, just know that the taste of parents have tried for many times.

So, I read that thrilling. All of a sudden, tears as burst its Banks the never admitted. I read it over and over again in this passage, the "don't chase" three word hard stung my eyes. To the direction of the child is a bright future, but that figure to place is the endless darkness. I know, there are flowers bloom always down, but, really arrived that day, what about me? Familiar house but did not have the most close person, before the court flower stop to appreciate the man was lost, share your joy no, never in the world people know your forehead scars from when and where come from, you can think so?

Thanks to the lung ying-tai "see", let us resolve again a little bit good to parents, again a little bit better. End I love them all, because we are children of the parents the most dear love!










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