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2023-05-04 04:51:11




Time rebirth and renewal. A is both long and short of the school year is over, after a summer of rest and relaxation, together, we opened the cover page of the new term. I'm glad we ushered in the first-grade newborn jin tao, and they gather together in this beautiful season in green picturesque campus, and they share the joy of the new term is about to begin.

Looking back the past a semester, like yesterday. Maybe, you had seen better yesterday, but it has become a sweet memory pillow a; Perhaps, we have suffered a setback, but it has become a few drops of bitter tears. Forget the success and failure, we just have the experience and lesson engraved in mind, let the once glorious inspire us, foil the failures of the past only to the success of the future.

Revolutionary Mr Li dazhao once said: the most interesting thing in life, is to send the old orientation, because the highest human desire, is always to create life. So, whether we have contemplated the blueprint of the new semester, whether has prepared enough psychological preparation to greet the arrival of the new semester?

Have such a fable: the setting sun, quiet on the African savannah, an antelope are pondering: tomorrow, when the sun rises, I want to run, in order to escape from the fastest lion; And at this time, a lion in thought: tomorrow, when the sun rises, I want to run, to have to catch the fastest antelope. Tomorrow, whether a lion or a gazelle, they have to do is run! And we have to do as a student, there is only one - is a struggle!

In the new semester, we have to constantly innovation and change, enterprising, strives for the development, to create. New, is different from the old; New, is to change; New, is enterprising; Is the development of new,; New, is to create.

The new semester, new atmosphere. Today, we have embarked on a new journey. Let us in this time of a new round of sunrise, make joint efforts in order to our ideal.









The classmates, the new semester began, we're going to have a new plan, is the so-called time like rolling river, gone forever. Now we have from the children of the ignorance of youth, youth who for a second day, in the past year, we learned a lot when we are in elementary school learn new knowledge, at the same time we also because of his hard enough and a lot of knowledge.

In the new school year, we should draw lessons and establish new goals, new development, we will with brand-new posture, full of spirit, enough energy into learning. To be positive and optimistic attitude to face the new challenge, we need to know "no pains, no gains".

Shelley once said that the phrase "the past belongs to death, and that the future belongs to yourself," we want to in the new semester, to the new look in the face of a new life, we will make their own tomorrow, work hard for their own future, to write a glorious chapter in life.

Students, we have is the second grade of middle school students, we should understand that we grew up, is no longer the child what all don't understand, we are happy with a grateful heart to experience growing, to learn to create happiness in growth, learn to cherish, cherish life learning in joy. To know the respect teachers, dear parents. Must set up with others in the heart, the collective, the feelings of the motherland. To self-love, self-esteem, self-respect, self-improvement. In the new semester to improve academic performance, improve the good study method, strive to get better results in the new semester, learn more of a person.

Lenin said that "to judge a person, not according to his own profession or opinion of himself, but according to his actions." The classmates, let us use a firm ideal, sailed in the new semester, overcome difficulties, more outstanding achievements, to create a better tomorrow for themselves.










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