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2023-05-04 05:11:02




Ideal is the compass, to people in a fog direction; Ideal is road, lead you to the dawn; Ideal is the winds and waves of the boat, led you to reach the shore of success... With ideals, life just have direction, learning to have power, a life worthwhile.

My ideal is to be a distinguished writer. In fourth grade, the teacher let us write a composition, the next day, the teacher praised my composition in the class, I too, at once, when the writer this lofty ideals are in my heart germination.

A popular article can bring people endless imagination, bring a happy mood. Beautiful let people read the article later, those who make mistakes can wake up with a start, the empty one can full, those boring man can find fun.

I just think, write a composition and can be praised by the teacher, can be a writer. Through continuous learning, I found I was naive. To be an outstanding writer, must be hard. To be kind and helpful. Learn to observe life, can have a pair of eyes to find beauty. Good good study, to build the foundation. I practice at home every day, I saw book tore the tear again, you don't satisfied. I'm boring, I upset, I insist on not bottom go to, but I thought of my friends encourage, thought that the persistence is victory, I again much. I should find pleasure from writing and write every bit of life.

However, I know it is not easy to do an excellent writer, not only to have talent, spirituality, deep literature foundation of basic skills, have the spirit of not afraid of difficulties is not afraid of failure. But I believe that as long as kung fu deep, iron pestle ground into a needle.

Cold winter is gone, layers of thick snow melted, and rebirth of spring is coming, I believe I'll be indomitable, the ideal seeds will also be like I won't bend like a storm, it will be the bright flowers, and then my dream will come true also.









Thinkers Tolstoy once said, "ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life." I want to say, the ideal is stone, knock out of the flame; Ideal is fire, lit the lamp extinguished; Ideal is water, water the tree of life...

When I am in a clothing store, see people delighted to pick their favorite clothes; Look at the children dressed in new clothes in front of the mirror boast; When we see a mother will cherish that clothes carefully to caress, I knew a beautiful dress can bring cheerful mood and happiness feeling. Then, costume designer became my ideal, costume designer became my goal.

Want to be a dress designer, you must have a profound art language, I am now on a sketch training class is to train your ability of art; Want to be a dress designer aesthetic view is also very important, I want to constantly improve their aesthetic ability, can make a good work; Want to be a dress designer color feeling is quite important, the color with which color collocation is better? How do you match? But, want to be a fashion designer's idea is the most important, have no idea, no inspiration is in any case also whole out an excellent work. Now, I often see some fashion magazines, look at how other designers design clothes? The characteristics of this dress?

Do you want to be designer, difficult! What do you want to be fashion designer, harder! What do you want to be excellent costume designer, even harder! Many people will think, what age do fashion designer! It is good to be true. Clothing designer is difficult, but, I believe that as long as you work hard, is bound to be successful! As the "iron stick ground into a needle", "little strokes fell great oaks" seems impossible, as long as insist, is bound to be successful!

Ideal is water, pouring out the seedlings of life; Road is the ideal, to success; Ideal is a flower, bear the fruit of life!










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