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2023-05-04 05:16:02




Everyone has his own ideal, some want to be a teacher, sitting in the classroom to foster a new generation; Some want to be an actress, let everybody know him; Some want to be a scientist, develop high-tech product, and my ideal is to be a good entrepreneur.

You just don't think I want to be entrepreneurs to do a desultory rich man, but to do good, to help those who need help. Because since I was young, I saw some poor people in the street please, and I can only give them a few dollars, and I cannot bear to see them go hungry, but I can only do so. As well as those due to the poor and the children cannot afford to go to school. See these, my in the mind very not taste. So I determined must be when I grew up as a rich entrepreneur.

If I can achieve ideal, become an excellent entrepreneur, I will give my property donated to the hope project, a quarter let children to go to the classroom, on those who can't afford to go to school to the classroom, let them learn knowledge, learning culture, grow up to build their own home. I'll use a quarter of the money to grandma and grandpa and grandma. Because I grew up with the support of their healthy growth, they very stingy, but spend money they never love in my body, I like to eat what, what to wear, they know a lot, meet all my material requirements. If I had money will make them comfortable, enjoy family happiness. I again, with a quarter of the money donated to the street begging people, let them returned home to learn skills, with their own hands to feed themselves, never stray. The rest of the money, I want to meet their material needs, buy a luxury car, buy a set of style villas, buy a few things that oneself like, let their life has become richer, and therefore can create more wealth.

In order to my ideal, I will study hard, study hard, to realize my dream and make unremitting efforts.







Ha ha, draw using the tip of the world, what do you think of? Well... The painter? Or the writer? I want to tell you NO NO NO, wrong!!!!! My ideal, in fact is a designer!

I want to be a designer, because I think, look at it for wearing my clothes, living in their own design of the building, watch others buy I design the range of goods and works of art, I think, I feel the incomparable proud!! Although clothes may be heavily small cargo, even if only may be low flat floor, even if it was a paltry thing at hand, but I think, as long as I was sure, wear, or use the thing that I designed, that I would be happy, happy.

Once upon a time, a weather-beaten old man told me: "the child is excited, three minutes heat, sometimes you heart spare capacity is insufficient, as long as you are really experienced social, so naive, ah ~" the old man sighed, not words. I also could not say words, what he said is true, isn't it? Even if I so much now, but in the long future, I can't guarantee, can I still insist on the dream of today.

But, I really want to, want to see in mine, corner of the world in my hand, in the vast earth leave my mark. Let the Yellow River is flowing in, and I design bridge with language, let cloud with my design plane frolicking in the breeze, I think, I want to make the high end of the heavens and the earth was taken on my church creek, even if you don't know when can stick to, but, at least for now, I think, I have this ideal, I want to keep it up!!

My ideal is to design, I like the design, a piece of paper and a pen, a light melody, a cup of green tea, incense with acerbity I envy this life, I want this life, I always like the holy heart.


呵呵,用笔尖绘出世界,你们会想到什么?唔……画家吗?还是作者?我要告诉你NO NO NO,猜错了!!我的理想,其实是设计师!








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