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2023-05-05 02:53:10




Many people know that the ostrich is the world's largest bird, what is the highest animal? Yes, that is - the giraffe.

Giraffes live in the land, because the neck is very long, so call it a giraffe. The giraffe's eyes and other animals, it is out of brown eyes, eyesight is very good, can also rotate around, broad view; The giraffe's mouth and a fine of 50 cm long tongue, it convenient to eat the leaves on the tree. Its "cotton-padded jacket is very beautiful, this" winter jacket for light yellow, with reddish brown or tan crisscrossed dense pattern; It has two long legs, legs and neck together with two meters long. Among its feet and funky: hoof average separate, very hard, can also be as a defensive weapon.

The giraffe is a monster, it what to eat? It only eat leaves, the other not. It likes to eat acacia trees bud, because it contains more water. Eat it, can fill the stomach, can quench thirst. It is kill two birds with one stone really.

The giraffe like social life, so you can mutual defense beast attack. They drink water when eating, total want to send a "sentry" stand guard, a precaution.

The giraffe's bath way also is very special, they don't have to wash, but by ceng and fellow rub against each other in the tree get dirty things. The deer is let the mom. The giraffe's ability to reproduce is very poor, a child only born a fawn, pregnancy for 15 months. Mother gave birth to the baby after the baby to hide in the bushes, even in places, often because the fawn was born is very high, easy to expose, most of them are eaten by carnivores, so the survival rate is very low.








In the morning, we, in to go to the city of Nagoya, Japan to nanjing a giraffe. O this giraffe, a call, a call hill. Them in a special house and wide grass leisurely, greedily ate fresh and tender leaves.

The giraffe was pale yellow, body shapes different tan mesh stripes. If they stand in the woods, it is difficult to be found. The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world, they not only long neck, even the face is long. The head of a giraffe a watchtower, eyes are big and sharp, is expected to far far away.

Giraffe as long as the straight legs, elongation neck, can eat without any difficulty looked up to seven or eight feet of leaves. But to eat grass and water on the ground will be hurled two legs apart, head down to eat. Very laborious!

Giraffes don't have vocal chords, dumb. Its skin is very thick, not afraid of stung.

Giraffe ran also pretty interesting: two legs while swinging, before and after, on the one like a pendulum, when run very fast.

Giraffe head of a diagonal is a very rare traditional Chinese medicinal materials, it is said that though the giraffe's neck is very long, lower the head without high blood pressure. This, in the medical community has attracted interest. Now, there are many medical workers are studying this subject, one has the benefit of human in the future.

The giraffe, Nagoya friendly messenger, I how want to often came to see you!












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