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2023-05-05 03:07:01




In the terrible thing is what? Is hidden in the flesh will burst in a split second. All successful people, are all experienced from smelting, the stars of today. They are like a caterpillar, energy savings within the cocoon, year after year, day after day, only the moment of breaking out, they will feel proud of myself.

The young sailor in tang dynasty, is such a person. He was the most happiness in life, but for small framed in prison. In the seagirt and death row in the dark was imprisoned for 19 years. After prison break, according to the prison, the late friends priest commanded in a call on the island of monte cristo find many treasures. He names the count of monte cristo, to the benefactor of gratitude, and to revenge, finally sail, missing, all the rest of the property to had done his old son of morel - elector Maximilian.

The people read the book, perhaps will be felt much sympathy for his sad story, may be because he got a so far all don't know how big the property and feel envy, I also envy, but not because he got a huge property, but because he has such a wonderful life. I admire him for his superhuman perseverance. I can't imagine in the dark death row, he is how to spend every day of life than death.

Perhaps as ding ling said: "the people as long as there is a kind of faith, seeking something, what hard endure everything, what can adapt to the environment." Life did not so, countless times fall, countless climb up again. Frustrated by the small distressed people, will choose to give up, think of the count of monte cristo!!!! The count of monte cristo told elector Maximilian in a word, let me remember: "it doesn't matter neither happiness in this world, unfortunately, there is only one and another conditions, that's it. Only experienced extremely unfortunate people, to taste the extreme happiness. Until god hangs allow for human to reveal came before that day. The vision of the future of all human wisdom is contained in four word 'hope' and 'wait'." Read this sentence, the understanding of life would be a deeper layer.

The life always has bitter and sweet. As long as forever toward the front, you will be more and more close to the target, put the eye farthest, make oneself of the life without any regret. As long as have faith in the heart, as long as there is hope, the heart has the company, then the waiting is worth it.










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