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2023-05-05 03:24:07




Honesty is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation from generation to generation, as early as in ancient times, Confucius said: "people without a letter, what is he good for?", too. It expresses the importance of honesty. Yes, a faithful person, have friends wherever he goes, and a man who does not keep your words, don't go and his friends. Only you to people, and others also to be honest with each other. Honesty is an intangible spiritual wealth.

I benefit a lot from there is a story of the good faith, is a customer to an automobile repair shop, who claimed to be the driver of a transportation company. He said to the shopkeeper, "write more parts on my bill, I return to a good company reimbursement after you." But the owner however are not willing to, also call customers to negotiate the business elsewhere. At this time, the customer is satisfied smile on his face, the shopkeeper said: "I am the shipping company's boss, I have been looking for a fixed, trustworthy repair shop, where you let me talk about the business?

Facing temptation, don't heartache, not to confused by it, let a person feel the noble personality charm, this is a flash character, integrity. The shopkeeper gave me inspiration, let me do a honest man.

Remember once, I went to play basketball, play it was already very dark, I was on my way home, suddenly remind of promised to buy sister toys, but the shop in the far, far away, and my early hungry cooing. How to do? To buy or not buy? Want to buy a proper meal, belly will be uncomfortable, don't buy will be broken. At this point, I thought to myself, or don't buy, not a small toy? Tomorrow to buy, but also eat hot dinner, how nice! Suddenly, my ear rings mother's words: "you not others integrity, others also won't to be honest with you, in the end, I for the prestige, I decided to buy. Go to the road is very long, come back when the food already cool, but I still eat with relish, because I keep your words!

Honesty is gold, the good faith is a treasure, honesty is an intangible wealth, let's go to be a honest person!










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