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2023-05-06 02:39:03




It was a sunny day, I and several friends to go on vacation in the countryside. In the countryside, there are green grass, colorful flowers, green trees, clear streams, the golden wheat fields, plus the sun reflects the beauty of the earth, formed a colorful world. When we hear the sound of the frog "quack" to call as a dense big band in singing, we several people particularly happy, so everyone on a whim, he want to catch a few frogs to cheer, as the saying goes: echocardiography action. Friends immediately organize to catch frogs.

We pursue the get go, I hear a frog in my side, enclosed body under a look carefully, "o" turned out to be a bigger of the mantis, is really a false alarm, I was disappointed with a sigh. I was worried, suddenly, a friend called liudong, shortness of tension and shouted: "here is a big frog! Come on..." I heard shouts, and other three steps and two steps to run around to liudong, as his fingers looked, and sure enough, the frog is about 8 cm long, 4 cm wide, drum belly, staring at the glass ball or eyes are "quack" to call. We who also can't catch, after much delay, decided to go to catch let xiao-yong zhang, his first with a small wooden barrel frogs, found the frog's back up at the end of the white. Xiao-yong zhang, frighten a few steps back. The rest of us fearful, dare not to. Only liudong giving her sleeves, he leaned forward, first hand the alveolus, suddenly jump up, the results of a void, the frog briskly forward a shot, escaped. We have to research the solution to catch frogs, I said, with "lure into surrender plan", you agree to my idea.

So we first caught a small flying insects, is on the line, with a small stick to pick the rope, let fly hanging in mid-air, waiting for the frog gets. Sure enough, a frog jumped to quietly and quickly out of it "red carpet" big mouth the flying insects. Me the chance to pull the rope, the other students a cover. "Catch! Catch!" I cried all the in the mind can't say how delighted, friends some jumping, some applause, I feel very proud. Little thing, I think of it is always interesting. It tells us many, many...








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