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2023-05-07 02:37:04




I love playing basketball I love playing basketball of huating county, gansu province, mouth elementary school four years four class him fall basketball game was held in the school recently, let me remember is our class and a game in class one grade six. The game play can be intense, although lost with the disparity score in our class. But our class is not bad, if you don't believe, then I can give you something about the wonderful game. That afternoon, the fierce competition between our class and class one grade four. The race began, first by me and QiZhiQing compete for the ball, I can fight for him! I have no better than he. The ball to the other side of the man had taken them. Iron yong catch up with the ball fast after the ball to the basket, and then to the QiZhiQing, QiZhiQing once made, the first class.

Serve in our class, liu Yang a hard fall off the ball, throw the ball from their side immediately to our side, Yang Xin near after catching the ball into the basket, a hit. The score into 2:2. But as a result of a class of people the speed of the ball, like the wind, and the ratio is higher, the defense can't keep up with my class, his class several goals in succession. In the second half, my strength, can't run, our class Yang Xin after the ball into the basket, but was stopped by QiZhiQing, that I should have rushed up front, but I don't catch them. Fortunately, with the help of zhang Yang Xin goal smoothly. Yang Xin have scored two goals in the second half, the score to his defeat. This time though we lost the game, but we are not too pessimistic, because we try our best, playing out our best level. As long as we in the effort, would beat class. I firmly believe that!







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