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2023-05-08 07:44:06




The lunar August 15, is China's traditional Mid-Autumn festival, is China's second largest after Spring Festival traditional festival.

The custom of the Mid-Autumn festival a lot, forms are different, but with people's life infinite love and longing for a better life. People have always as the Mid-Autumn festival is the most human, one of the most picturesque festival. Someone says, every festive holiday times, the Mid-Autumn festival a missing, of course, will be more deeply, especially the moon hanging in the moment.

Speaking of the Mid-Autumn festival, folk have been circulating a number of different legends and mythology, including Chang moth age, zhu yuanzhang cakes uprising, tang clear huang swim moon palace story, etc. Most people are familiar with, of course, is Chang moth, month Chang moth stole her husband die elixir, rushes to the story of the moon palace there are also many. In earlier records, Chang moths ate the elixir, turned into a toad, called month, after a month, Chang moth live in the moon palace is a lonely place, in addition to a tree and a rabbit, there is.

Lunar calendar in August 15, is a fall in the middle of a year, so is known as the Mid-Autumn festival. In Chinese lunar calendar, is divided into four seasons in a year, each season is divided into mon, zhong, season three parts, and therefore also known as the Mid-Autumn festival the Mid-Autumn. On August 15 the moon more than the other months of the full moon round, more bright, so they are called "the moon and the", "the mid autumn festival". That night, people look up to the sky like jade such as dish bright moon, nature would look forward to a family reunion. , that consigns the also take this feeling of hometown and relatives thoughts of love. So, the Mid-Autumn festival is also called "the mid autumn festival".









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