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2023-05-09 02:28:14


导语:在 8 月 5 日举行的里约奥运会开幕式中,巴西人用一场巴西范儿十足、又彰显和平与环保的开幕式赢得了广泛好评。不过热利说,与奥运会开幕式介绍巴西历史和文化不同,残奥会开幕式将展现完全不同的视角。“它”残奥会开幕式)将是关于包容和唤醒五感,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


When it comes to the opening ceremony, the points of attention outside notting have two, one is acting, theatrical performances, the other is how the torch is lit. The opening ceremony of the Olympics in Rio, Brazil supermodel bundchen impressive during a period of the world, is about to start the opening ceremony of the paralympic games, also have a called purdy girl, will be four to five minutes of fusion dance elements in Brazil. But the girl is a disabled person, she will put on artificial limbs. At the age of 19, purdy lost below the knee, has become a professional veneer taxi athletes her. In addition, her identity, actor, writer, speaker, or even a costume designer. Directors think ms purdy's story well for hard work for the disabled and positive spirit.

The paralympic torch is 6 days ago, that is, in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, on September 1. Special to tell everybody is, the paralympic torch lit through virtual way, can all over the world through social media, send a positive message on a website, increase quantity of heat in this way, when the heat accumulation to a certain extent, cauldron will be lit. The organizers said, the idea is the symbol of the torch is lit with human inner heat. After the fire, torch relay in five cities in Brazil, at the opening ceremony of the torch is collected five city torch light together. As for how ignited by common, the answer will be announced tomorrow.

Paralympic games 10 days of the event, a total of 2.5 million tickets, sold about 60% at present. The tickets had been sold out of some of these projects. Organizing committee spokesman said, the idea of people buying tickets in Brazil are changed, at first we want to buy tickets for the paralympic games, is actually want to go Bach to take a look at the Olympic park after the games are over, and have some fun. Now you specific to the paralympics athletes and pay more attention to project, want to be the main reason for tickets to the game. In addition, security is also the focus of the people are very concerned about. Bach area is southwest of Rio, a suburb of Rio, but he is a rich people gathered place, away from the city center, here slum rarely, the streets every controlled meters will be police and flashing lights of police cars, and other security personnel, let a person feel very safe.

The paralympic games held in South America, is the biggest in the history of China sent overseas to participate in the paralympic games of the delegation. The Chinese athletes to Rio has been a week of time, they are trying to adapt to the environment, adjust the state. Paralympic games was held in the South American continent, is also the Chinese sports delegation to participate in the paralympic history from the most distant way in the country, facing the jet lag, climatic conditions, such as the difficulties, to overcome. Now is winter in Brazil, particularly big temperature gap between day and night, go out the sun during the day, wear a shirt, shorts and a sweat, go out have to put on the sunscreen. But when the sun set, the temperature fell immediately and a coat still feel cold. So, the athletes how to adapt to the climate here, protect the body, maintain a good state, play the best level in the race, become a very important problem.

The opening of the Chinese delegation flag-bearer RongJing tells a reporter, the training conditions and domestic same here. RongJing London paralympics women's wheelchair fencing champion, her game at the beginning of the 14th, is currently in the final of actual combat training.

During an interview on the athletes' village, the reporter sees, the Chinese delegation compound paper scarlet letter wrote a sentence on the wall, give a person left a very deep impression, is "the motherland and the people's honor above all else," believe on the upcoming paralympic game, although there are twenty thousand km distance from the motherland, but the athletes will carry the motherland people's entrust, struggle, get good grades











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