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2023-05-09 03:12:05


导语:地球的环境问题已经越来越严重了,地球的污染问题已经威胁到我们的身边了,因此 我们要立刻行动起来保护 环境!欢迎阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


China's environmental problems is not starting from today. In the early 1990 s, the environmental pollution is very serious. Such as the huaihe river basin. Five kinds of water quality has accounted for 80% in the 1990 s, the huaihe river is like a huge sewage throughout the year. The economic loss caused by environmental pollution, 1995 to 187.5 billion yuan.

Desertification is a major threat to world agriculture development. Desertification is a kind of environmental degradation phenomenon. It makes the land produce degradation, agriculture and animal husbandry production capacity of biological production, to reduce the arable land and pasture area. As a result of desertification and soil and water loss, land barren, has made many countries suffer famine. All affected by desertification land with 3800 square kilometers. Lost as a result of desertification of land, every year is as high as 5 ~ 7 square kilometers, almost every minute 11 hectares of land desertification. If desertification continue and not effectively suppressed, the end of the century, expected loss of arable land will reach the 1/3 of the cultivated land, this is a dangerous signal! In China is a country of land desertification, serious, desert and desertification of land has been developed from 1949 in 66, seven square kilometers expanded to 130 square kilometers in 1985, accounts for about 13, 6% of the whole territory. Desertification of land, every year is growing at a speed of 60 square kilometers. The formation of land desertification in our country, in addition to dune forward intrusion caused by force of natural factors, due to excessive farming, overgrazing, deforestation, industrial traffic construction destroy vegetation artificially caused desertification phenomenon is more common. Telling a group of statistics, I why I trapped desertification: forest over-exploitation of 32 put accounted for 29, 4%, 4%, excessive, excessive use of 23, 3% of water resources utilization of land (6%), improper mobile dunes accounted for 5% of 5, construction, industrial and mining city accounted for 0.8%. By these series number, you can see that the majority (95%) of land desertification is caused by human factors. Therefore, to protect and make good use of the land, sand YuCao, build windproof sarin, implements the comprehensive development of forestry, animal husbandry, water conservancy and other governance, will give full play to the plant community effect in order to achieve the purpose of the return sand and soil. Soil is the mother of plants, is the material basis for the green homeland prosperous. Protect and make good use of the land, is to protect the green homeland, to protect the man himself.

Proposed the National People's Congress to "western development, ecological issues, relevant laws and regulations on environmental protection have pointed to a law enforcement inspection, timely and correct the problems in law enforcement, government at all levels to avoid big development brings ecological havoc in the history of tragedy happen again.

Environmental protection is a major responsibility of us all. We have to start from now, start from the side, starts from the minor matter, take good care of trees and flowers, love birds and other animals, and so on. Through our efforts, to make the motherland day more blue, more green, the water cleaner.









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