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2023-05-10 05:02:03




Have a friend, I think it is a kind of the affection between somewhere between love and friendship, you'll miss him silently in occasional time, when think of him, the warm in my heart, have a good, have a moved. At the time of sorrow and trouble, you will think of him, you hope he can in your side, to comfort you, to understand you, but you never talk to him, are you afraid of their own share of the sorrow can interfere with his quiet life.

You will be because of a song, a kind of color, remember him, remembers his sincere, think of his dedication, remembered that he had experienced the ups and downs together. Because there is such a friend, you will be more cherish own life, love your life, because you know he hope you have a good, he hope you can take care of yourself well, meet again, he hope you can tell him that you are happy.

The secular concept, in your heart, because of his presence and pale, you're deep in the bottom of my heart for the people set up a small space, quietly clinging to the beautiful memories, you know, from the beginning between you won't have any love, seems to talk about love is violated the emotion, this only is a kind of friendship. What is going on here? You want to for many years, but have no idea.

You seldom contact, in this long life, meet your door time perhaps a few one over ten thousand, but in each other's heart a miss, are kept on a charge, even if he go to the end of the world, even if many, many years, even if meet again, already was not thing is not, you still back to profound remember such a person like that, it is enough.

Life sometimes calm to the abandoned well, maybe you will fall into the mouth of a pit, perhaps you do not have what glebe's old, love the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, maybe huafa early birth, full ashtray is pale, but with such a friend, in your life there will be a little ripples, a bit of color, you think of him. Silently remember him, perhaps this life this world will not forget.

Very grateful in this world, you have such a person, he's not in your side, he also did not do something for you, but you hope that he will have a good, long life, family, happy life...

You are also very happy to have such a feeling, pure and long, in this complicated world, have such a friend, is worth you to bless, miss...












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