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2023-05-14 02:23:07




In the morning, we got up very early, because today is National Day, dad took us to taian said to play. We came to the road side waiting for the bus. Only eleven, the weather is cool, have never thought of this morning the wind was so big that it is cold in the body. We wear are not much, soon, shivering. It happened that so many people today, every car is full, waiting for half an hour, without a car to stop. Mom saw I cold not line, say: "let's go home and wear clothes, come back in a while." Back home, I put on a thick clothes, warm. Mother also added a piece of clothing. We came to the highway, ah, such as car and more people. Here in the car come over, here in the car again in the past, everyone is looking forward to showing a car would stop. However, occasionally stopped a car, and simply couldn't get on two men. A little bit of time in the past, we are disappointed. The father said, "tomorrow we will into the city to play, go home, ok?" My mother and I have no alternative, so we have to go back slowly. The eleventh, the waiting eleven, I how also forget. Tutor: Xie Gongxia profile: National Day was supposed to be happy, but the National Day was lost due to waiting for the bus as it should be relaxed and happy. Small authors detail to score his psychological waiting for the bus. Very good!






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