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2023-05-14 04:51:12




20 xx years X month X day sunny

How time flies, the twinkling of an eye, we off the Mid-Autumn festival and National Day, the next step is to meet the double ninth festival, this year's October 5 is the traditional chongyang festival, the double ninth festival we do? I 've come to consult the data, the original, the double ninth festival is also called climbing section, and advocates have always have high customs, and often in the ancestor worship and respect activity. Besides, there are also insert, dogwood, enjoy chrysanthemums custom and taste the double ninth gao (or cake). Thought Yang chung yeung festival programs could have so many programs, reminds me of a poem, "alone in a foreign land here, every festive holiday times. Yao knows brothers high place, through the dogwood is one less," the song "9 September have shandong brothers" love what to write, wrote in the double ninth festival alone in a foreign land was the mood of missing loved ones.

In childhood, the double ninth festival is always a mountain with his family, and then at the top of the mountain worship offering, I don't understand, always want to eat, is a silkworm cats, not now, but no chance can go mountain climbing, the double ninth festival and ordinary, can not help but think of once upon a time, every time very hard to climb to the top of the hill, in order to be those good things to eat, throw climbing fatigue to the outside of the cloud nine, in retrospect, think I'm naive, how can literally used to worship our ancestors used to eat? Is really stupid!

Looking forward to the arrival of the double ninth festival, just on the day of the Saturday, I must grasp the opportunity to participate in some outdoor activities.


20XX年 X月X日 天晴







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