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2023-05-14 05:40:03




Dear teachers and schoolmates:

Everybody is good!

Rises when the five-star red flag in front of tiananmen square, do you feel the pride of the nation? When you hear the song "my Chinese heart", if you feel a psychological shock? As the Chinese people, are you living in the great motherland proud?

There is no doubt that the answer is yes, isn't it? Review motherland through 65 years of glorious history, we who also don't forget to July 1, 1997, when the bright five-star red flag and bauhinia regional flag of the earth rise up in Hong Kong, covered the sky, when the celebration fireworks light up in the gulf of Hong Kong, our every Chinese people all sincerely bless you, "Oriental pearl" has finally returned to the arms of you!

We will not forget, May 8, 1999, New York, USA with missiles hit the Chinese embassy in south, in the struggle of good and evil, in front of the severe test of life and death, the Chinese embassy in south of diplomatic and staff in a crisis, cool and always give top priority to the interests of the party and country, attaches great importance to fulfill the sacred mission in the war, three martyrs illustrious name will be recorded history, everlasting legacy! To this, the Chinese people are united, and the whole country is strict protests, fully embodies the Chinese people's great patriotic spirit and great cohesion, reflected the intrepidity, oppose hegemony, the strong will of the maintenance of world peace, show a faction "national rise and fall, fortunes of" touching scene with conscience and cultural traditions of the vast country image, reflected in the roll force, focus on the development of social productivity, enhance the comprehensive national strength, enhance the international competition ability, high patriotic enthusiasm into the study hard, hard work and great power.

At 67years ago, a great voice on the tiananmen rostrum: "the founding of the People's Republic of China!" In 1949, representing the vicissitudes of war and suffering behind the Chinese people finally stood up again! China like a huge dragon, as a big country standing in the world east again!

In 67, the glory days play between command, in 67, the Chinese land. In 2016, our great motherland ushered her 67th birthday. Our motherland from the thriving of the tang dynasty to the qing dynasty by the threat of beaten; From the republic of China when the cowardice of corruption, to today's brilliant glory, after untold hardships, finally standing in front of the world, lifted its head, straightened his spine, to the people of the world shows a unique Oriental charm of China!

The passion of 67 years, 67, 67 years of hard life, the strong rise of 67! China, I hope you continue to soar, the continuation of glory, with firm steps out of the way of The Times, with the play the theme of the era of dance music.













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