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2023-05-14 06:44:08




In the bloomy spring season, ushered in the spring of 2011 track and field sports meeting in our school, on April 13, 9 p.m, demonstrators outside good teams in school, opening ceremony, as the athletes march music suddenly rang.

Team with powerful steps in each grade. The first approach is in grade one, followed by the second grade... A final approach is the sixth grade. Everyone in their own clothing, cried out, "the development of sports, enhance physical names. Exercise, all-round development. Good good study, day day up." Slogan, as the athletes march music, everyone spirit in big strides, like and waiting for the review team...

Superior leadership after the speech, ROM the principal speech for the games, athletes on behalf of the speech... Finally, principal with exciting adjustable announced: "the spring of deyang city experimental primary school track and field games officially opened!"

Then 4 grade since the beginning, the girls point on the right foot, lift fan, open and closed in the form of the right to the left pressure fan, drop, and then open the fan, fan in hand, moving upward, "get up, then down, down, up, fan in the head again. At the same time, when we were boys put the flag up to the top of your head, girl kneeling, left, right hand up the fan, the boys up, so repeated several times, expanded into a big parade. Blocked the flag stand upright on the ground, boys, girls waving the fan, the boy stood up in a moment, straight ahead, her right hand to the with a flag, the time left to rotate 90 degrees, turned down three times, the flag up to the top of your head, squat down. Through the transformation of different formation permitted big parade, cross...

Also have a good performance of fifth grade, they began to run, and jump, and waved, and circles. Seemingly random, in fact, they use a hula hoop is divided into many round team, very neat, full of vigor, let a person feel the good of the school, happy.

Games opening ceremony of the pageantry for a few hours, but I can't see enough, the students, it seems, are still a long time, the opening ceremony for the students only reluctantly walked out, linger.











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