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2023-05-14 06:45:01




These days, I have been reading a book called < < the mirror of life > > book. It is like a magnet attracted me. Many of these articles are very touching, particularly big influence on me. Such as < < dipper legend > >, < < understand > > articles such as tells us that love is the sunshine in my life. < < dipper legend > > this article made me very moved. This article said, there is a place, it haven't rain. Was dry and hot climate, many creatures are dry. Many animals particularly hot, like ill. There is a girl's mother was ill, very serious, she was determined to find for my mother a little water to drink. With a tin water scoop, so she went to the water, to find the find, finally found in a mountain edge small springs, but also quickly dry, her spoon pick up bit by bit, and then went down the mountain, she didn't want to spill out a little water. Along the way, the little girl saw no water to drink a lot of people, all did not hesitate to tell them a little water to drink from a spoon. Didn't expect is that little girl tin spoon into a silver water scoop water, silver water scoop into the liquid gold spoon, jinshui scoop water eventually became made of diamond. The inside of the water spilled out all, onto the ground. Water all over the place, look at it from spring, cold spring water spewing out, the area around the people and animals have enough water to drink. People will never forget the kind of selfless girl. This article makes me understand love, is the sunshine in my life. It makes every day we have profusion is colorful. Every journey becomes warm and bright. Take care of yourself, learn to down-to-earth to tomorrow; Caring for relatives, elders, friends, and young children more than we do with tolerance, sympathy and help. Love, is each person's treasure, let us know how happy and thankful. Only pay together, could have. Even if it rains and windy, hands, we is the sun


这几天,我一直在看一本叫做<<生活的镜子>>的书。它像一块磁铁一样吸引着我。其中的许多文章都很感人,对我影响特别大。如<<北斗星传奇>>,<<理解>>等文章都告诉我们关爱是生命里的阳关。 <<北斗星传奇>>这篇文章使我非常感动。这篇文章里说,有一个地方,天好久没下雨了。气候又干又热,许多生物都干枯了。许多动物特别闷热,像生病了一样。有一位姑娘的母亲病了,很严重,她决心为妈妈找一点儿水喝。于是她用一把锡水勺,去找水了,找着找着,终于在一座山边找了一眼很小的泉,但也很快干枯了,她用勺子一点点地接,然后就下山,她不愿意洒出一点儿水。 一路上,小姑娘看见了许多没水喝的人们,都毫不犹豫地从勺子里分出一点水给他们喝。没想到的是,小姑娘的锡水勺变成了银水勺,银水勺变成了金水勺,金水勺最后变成了用钻石做的水勺。里面的水全部洒了出来,洒到地上。水洒到的地方,冒出一眼泉水,清冽的泉水喷涌而出,周围地区的人和牲口都有足够的水喝了。人们永远都不会忘记这位善良的无私的姑娘。 这篇文章使我懂得关爱,是生命里的阳关。它让我们拥有的每一个日子都变得缤纷多彩。每一个历程都变得温暖明亮。关爱自己,学会脚踏实地地走向明天;关爱他人,给亲人,长辈,朋友以及比我们更幼小的孩子以宽容,同情和帮助。关爱,是每一个人的珍藏,让我们懂得幸福和感激。惟有共同付出,才能拥有。即使刮风下雨,拉起手来,我们就是太阳




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