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2023-05-14 06:59:02




The memory into a picture book, page by page opened. In the page, and I saw the story: sauna gently pull open curtain, said: "look, they are here."

It was a night of the poor, a kind of simple fisherman and his wife adopted by death of the neighbor's Simon's children. However, the poor also in misery life at this moment, but not forget to help others in the hardship.

Think carefully, and a poor couple, kind heart, as when others need help the most help. They are the same, without hesitation. When the sauna pull up the curtain at that moment, wordless moved they surrounded me like a tide. They use action interpretation of what is true, the good and beauty.

People all say, the best human emotion is love. The whole article, not a rhetoric, but exciting, make the person touched. This is a love, a simple and complex of love.

For a long time, love has always been pursuing human, but it seems hard to get. Who thought that can give is love. Some people love is selfish, they do not want to give people a bit of truth, they don't like soldiers, for the liberation of the whole nation, fought even dedicate a precious life. In today's society, however, seems to warm the world people less and less. So, love is like a life of luxury goods, be visible for the mystery.

Read the "poor" this story, I deeply realized that love can not only give a person with the demand of the material, but also help people abiding by. Actually, love has been contained in each person's heart, as long as you are really willing to give, you'll become rich of love, it would even be an inexhaustible wealth. "The poor" fisherman and zona is a man full of love in the heart, they would rather have a bitter, should also be held two children come back, this is love. Around, can't we can't have a such love angel?

This story, let me intoxicated, dance in the world of touched; Let me warm, looking for unique warm in the cold winter. Let us like a shooting star to wish, to the land full of hope, into the sky with the expectations, are looking forward to let love be always with the world.

True: "as long as everyone sacrificed a little love, the world will become a better human!"













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