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2023-05-14 07:01:04




Now is the interests of the society, everyone is interest, thus rejected the initial those good quality. When Italy's boccaccio said a words: "the poor will not kill a man of noble quality, but is rich man lost his ambition." I think this sentence should be the center of the "poor"!

When sanna know the neighbor Simon died, did not leave his neighbor's kids, because of my poor family economic but will they hold home carefully. Sauna, although the in the mind still nervous fear that her husband will call her, but then decided to put the two orphans still stay, even if doing so would let her being beaten. When I read here, I seem to see the zona that made up his mind to face, is so firmly, then firmly.

The fisherman came back, when neighbors Simon's death, also decided to hold back the two orphans. Although doing so, his pressure will be bigger, shoulder the burden will be heavier, two more responsibility, they will therefore more poor, but he still did it.

Indeed, their home is poor, but they ", "children, they have the most precious wealth in the world, their souls are rich.

And poor and rich, but some people are rich, but poor "poor".

I remember one day, a lady, dressed in beautiful clothes, holding a precious pet dog came out. Originally the lady going to attend the event, but it must be through a crowded street. Crowded, crowded ah, a migrant worker accidentally kicked my pet dog. Dame immediately angry, yelling, kneel down and ask the worker for his dog, an apology. How can you kneel for the dog? People with dignity, however, if people give the dog a kneeling, not a dog is the king of supreme, while the person is cheap slaves couldn't be cheap. That you, the lady, not even the dogs are all behind? Your dignity has been money away, have vanished without a trace. Your appearance in the words below with a dirty, ugly heart.

The measure of a man is poor or rich is not that he how much money, but is it the beauty and ugliness of the soul.












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