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2023-05-15 02:12:10




Animals are friends of human beings, we have to protect it. On the way home from school, I saw an injured stray dogs. See it was dirty with bright red blood, what a pity! I soon send it to the animal hospital, see my doctor for a puppy bandaging therapy. Evening, mother came home from work, I told the story to mother, mother also moved by my spirit to protect animals, let me go to buy some pork ribs to eat the dog. Under the care of me, dogs gradually back to health. I decided to adopt it, and give it a nice name "huanhuan". "Huanhuan" seemed very like this name, and I came home from school every day, "huanhuan" always ahead of time out to meet me, shaking his tail around me, and, as if to say: "welcome to the arrival of the master, the master your performance at school? I behaved very well at home!" After finish the homework, I always go out to play with it. I ran in front, it chase after; Turn me in circles, it followed. Play tired, "huanhuan" on my feet, stick out your tongue, thus panting. Every day, "huanhuan" and I have a lot of fun, between us have become inseparable from good friends.


动物是人类的朋友,我们都要保护它。 在放学回家路上,我看见一只受伤的流浪狗。只见它浑身上下流着鲜红的血,好可怜啊!我很快把它送到了动物医院,请医生为小狗包扎治疗。 晚上,妈妈下班回家后,我把事情的经过告诉了妈妈,妈妈也被我的保护动物的.精神所感动,让我去买一些排骨给小狗吃。在我的精心照料下,小狗渐渐恢复了健康。我决定收养它,并给它起了个好听的名字“欢欢”。 “欢欢”好像很喜欢这个名字,每天放学回家,“欢欢”总是提前出来迎我,摇着尾巴围着我转,,好像在说:“欢迎小主人的到来,小主人你在学校表现好吗?我在家里表现挺好的!”完成作业后,我总是带着它出去玩。我在前面跑,它在后面追;我转圈,它也跟着转。玩累了,“欢欢”就趴在我脚上,伸出舌头,呼呼地喘着粗气。 每天,我和“欢欢”都玩得很开心,我们之间成了离不开的好朋友。




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