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2023-05-15 02:23:08




My happiness in the long summer vacation, window, has always been my best friend, it laugh with me, help me to eliminate. In the morning, I am on the window, can see the white clouds, delicate and charming flowers and plants... Can breathe the fresh air, bathed in the soft sunshine. In a short time, can hear not far from my house to the fishes in the fish's pond is playing sounds, lane tricycle brake brake voice, bicycle "jingle" voice... It collected a song wonderful symphony, I gave it a special name - "the window of the symphony. One night, the weather was stuffy, I how also can not sleep, left rolling right rolling in bed, the in the mind is always not quiet. At this moment, I thought of my good partner - window again. Then, they came to the window and looked up at the sky, each shining stars caught my eye. Suddenly, I saw what I am most interested in Altair and vega. At the moment, I seem to see the cowherd cultivator, farming, vega weaving at home; Seem to see the gigolo knit a family of four happy; As if can see hard-hearted heavenly queen dividing their happy marriage situation... Suddenly, I feel all the magpies have been coming from all directions, when the Chinese valentine's day as "Milky Way", let them meet. Gradually, the night is deep, I also feel sleepy thick. This summer vacation has a window with me, really very happy!


我的快乐假期在这个漫长的暑假中,窗,一直是我最好的朋友,它陪我欢笑,帮我消除烦躁。早晨,我靠在窗前,可以看到悠悠的白云,娇艳的花草……可以呼吸到清新的空气,沐浴着柔和的阳光。不一会儿,就可以听到不远处我家鱼塘里的鱼儿们嬉戏的声音,小路上三轮车刹闸的声音,自行车 “叮铃”的声音……这汇成了一曲美妙的交响曲,我还给它取了个特别的名字——《窗的交响曲》。有一天晚上,天气很闷,我怎么也睡不着,在床上左滚滚右滚滚的,心里老是静不下来。这时,我又想到我的`好伙伴——窗。于是,就来到窗前,仰望着天空,一颗颗耀眼的星星映入我的眼帘。忽然,我看到了我最感兴趣的牛郎星、织女星。此刻,我仿佛看到了牛郎下田耕种,织女在家织布的情景;仿佛看到了牛郎织女一家四口其乐融融的情景;仿佛也看到了狠心的王母娘娘拆散他们美好姻缘的情景……顷刻间,我又觉得所有的喜鹊已经从四面八方赶来,在七夕节时搭成“鹊桥”,让他们相会。渐渐地,夜已很深,我也睡意浓浓。这个暑假有窗陪伴着我,真的很快乐!




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