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2023-05-15 06:46:03




"Green asshion full busy everywhere, who were female, and celebration of duanyang. Fine five-color arm lace long, empty disconsolate, who after hang xiang, past the mo theory, secondly the gas in one thousand, star, li SAO read always be hurt, no one solution, afternoon shade trees." Buried in the poet of the earth, whether you also predicted the desolate dragon boat today?

"Across the world turbidity I alone, everybody ZuiWo wake up alone." Guangyao later generations of qu yuan, is no longer, he's lofty and the turbidity of spirit is gradually lost in the long river of time, many people began to continuously pursue the material enjoyment, the stimulation of life, the feasting in the waste of youth, to idle away one's time in the material, how many solution ", "li SAO" and how many people will be qu yuan's meaning? Behind the Dragon Boat Festival became a vacation is for people to have fun, its cultural heritage in the true sense already to eliminate exhausted, they are only some free after dinner conversation.

In the long Chinese several thousand years culture, Chinese culture heritage unexpectedly will stop, is the lack of culture? Yes, first is the Dragon Boat Festival Han Guoshen heritage, sovereign dishonored; Comment in succession, then the ching Ming festival people vulgar, don't let Chinese culture disappeared? Although early that traditional festivals become false, but its importance is only stay in the material, the lack of culture is particularly important. Qingming festival iphoneiphone don't pressing is the embodiment of the vulgar people? Relatives alive to more filial piety, between nature and man, spend unnecessary money, what is the value of the dead? Hide behind it is not money worship, comparisons of the wind? More let a person heartache is, to build villas, built cars has raised a tide of paper apples into sacrifice, these all reflect the social morbid, do not and qu yuan run counter to the spirit of integrity, don't want to put on a tragedy?

Cultural heritage has been urgent, of cultural concern and attention not only on the surface, to deliberately to innovate, to cultivate. Innovation is based on the cultural connotation, of course, like paper to paste the apple offerings, this behavior is absolutely not an option, the so-called innovation more severely hit. South Korea can actually declare jiangling into the intangible cultural heritage, the Dragon Boat Festival behind it to a lot of creative play, it also will it contains the spirit of constantly expanding, accepted by people, by contrast we shouldn't ashamed? Clearly not to cherish well take care of their own culture, when others succeed in support to fight again, what's the meaning of all, don't feel shame? Shouldn't we shouldn't have to reflect on their own lack of culture? Don't let the Spring Festival, the lantern etc traditional festivals have been to other countries? No! We are going to inherit their culture, but also we want to innovate, and the modern culture of pluralism is blended in among them, the significance of cultural heritage, which can effectively protect our culture.

I believe that, no, I am convinced that China's cultural inheritance and innovation unceasingly, will be in the sphere of history blossom glorious, sleep in the water of qu yuan will also smile!!!!










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